
This page provides a list of all downloadable PDF documents on this website.

Most recent downloadable documents

  1. Reports per District in 2023 (Dutch) (240109)
  2. Accidents on highways 2014 - 2023 (Dutch) (240124)

Reports per District

Files with the number of car recoveries per district, per year.

  1. Reports per District in 2023 (Dutch)
  2. Reports per District in 2022 (Dutch)
  3. Reports per District in 2021 (Dutch)
  4. Reports per District in 2020 (Dutch)
  5. Reports per District in 2019 (Dutch)
  6. Reports per District in 2018 (Dutch)
  7. Reports per District in 2017 (Dutch)
  8. Reports per District in 2016 (Dutch)
  9. Reports per District in 2015 (Dutch)
  10. Reports per District in 2014 (Dutch)
  11. Reports per District in 2013 (Dutch)
  12. Reports per District in 2012 (Dutch)
  13. Reports per District in 2011 (Dutch)
  14. Reports per District in 2010 (Dutch)
  15. Reports per District in 2009 (Dutch)
  16. Reports per District in 2008 (Dutch)
  17. Reports per District in 2007 (Dutch)
  18. Types of IM Reports per district 2007 - 2011 (Dutch)

User Guides

  1. Users' guide Bergerview 3.0 (Dutch)
  2. Users' guide Bergerview Mobiel (Dutch)
  3. Manual Electronic Reporting system Incident Management (EMI)

Policy documents

  1. Working agreements on breakdown movements (Dutch)
  2. Letter concerning the regulations governing police tows (Dutch)
  3. Criteria for approval of recovery training programmes (Dutch)
  4. First Directive on Safety measures with Traffic Incidents (2019)
  5. Instruction Card for Breakdown Reports with Passenger cars (LCM)

Other documents

  1. Accidents on highways 2014 - 2023 (Dutch)
  2. Accidents on highways 2013 - 2022 (Dutch)
  3. Accidents on highways 2012 - 2021 (Dutch)
  4. Accidents on highways 2011 - 2020 (Dutch)
  5. Accidents on highways 2010 - 2019 (Dutch)

District maps

Districtmaps can be downloaded as PDF files

  1. National map
  2. District map 01
  3. District map 02
  4. District map 03
  5. District map 04
  6. District map 05
  7. District map 06
  8. District map 07
  9. District map 08
  10. District map 09
  11. District map 10
  12. District map 11
  13. District map 12
  14. District map 13
  15. District map 14
  16. District map 15
  17. District map 16
  18. District map 17
  19. District map 18
  20. District map 19
  21. District map 20
  22. District map 21

Tender documents Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012

Download all tender documents in a single zip file or download the following separate documents:

  1. Tender procedure regulations Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012 (Dutch)
  2. Agreements Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012
    1. Standby Agreement A (Dutch)
    2. Standby Agreement B (Dutch)
  3. Plots S1 - S8 Tender procedure Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012 (Dutch)
  4. Registration forms Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012
    1. Registration form A (Dutch)
    2. Registration form B (Dutch)
    3. Registration form C (Dutch)
  5. Own Statement Tender procedure Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012 (Dutch)
  6. Quality requirements Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012
    1. Quality requirements A (Dutch)
    2. Quality requirements B (Dutch)
  7. Memorandum of Information Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012 (Dutch)
  8. Second Memorandum of Information Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012 (Dutch)
  9. Report of Tender Procedure Standby recovery companies 2011 - 2012 (Dutch)

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